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A Job in the Theatre Chapter 3

"Ok, why don't you slip on these knee socks while I part your hair into pigtails?" she said handing him the socks. They weren't really socks, Paula thought, feeling the sheer nylon and seeing the ribbons along the top. He pointed his toe, slipped it on, and pulled them up.

While he did that, Helen parted his hair into two pig tails and tied them off with two big bows. Anything to catch the eye Paula thought watching in the mirror. It wasn't just pig tails; it was pig tails with big bows.

Paula stood up and then slipped on the heels. Of course they were very high and spiked. No school girl would actually wear heels like this; he was happy he practiced at Sarah's. Helen noticed his socks and shook her head. She then bent down and tied the ribbons of each into a bow. She thought about his cute panties just on the other side of his skirt. He had to have had his cock tucked between his legs. What happened when he got excited? Was he excited now? Her curiosity would have to go unnourished.

Helen rose to her feet, instructed Paula to turn around once so she could check him out. "Wait!" She grabbed some rings from the table. "Here put these on. Hurry." She handed him six rings. Was he supposed to put all of them on? A glance at Helen said yes.

"Ok that's it. Back on stage."

Paula went back on stage and stood next to Sarah. She gave him the once over and he could see that she approved. "Good, good."

She walked him over to the table sitting center stage. "In this scene you are making a move on Gary. You are in a restaurant. The dialogue starts on page sixteen. Now listen carefully. At the end of the scene, you slip your hand down underneath the table and grab his crotch. The audience has to see this. Cue the table light!" There was a light mounted underneath the table. It suddenly came on illuminating the underside of the table and chairs. "This light will show everything. The audience will watch as you grab his crotch.

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