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Angel on the Stage

However, there was nothing very erotic to her about the work she was doing, so a genuine erection would be unlikely, but the club management didn't want people to realize that.

The top was a bustier that laced up the back. Angel's luscious breasts spilled out over the bodice, and she wore the garment fairly loosely because she had no need for any kind of uplift. She would always be grateful that she had resisted the suggestions that she get implants, preferring to let her breasts grow naturally, in reaction to the female hormones that have been a part of her sex-change regimen for the last six years. The women in her family were all very bosomy and Angel, after admitting her essential femaleness, was benefiting from her ancestors' genes as well.

Besides her breasts, the hormones had shaped her other bodily contours, giving her curves that were the envy of almost any woman who saw her. Being blonde and very fair-skinned, Angel had never developed body hair when she was a boy, except for under her arms and a fluffy patch around her genitals, or any facial hair where it wasn't wanted. The skin on her face and all over her body was soft and smooth, with a complexion that varied from creamy to shades of pink in those places where pink was desirable. Regular applications of creams and lotions and the occasional use of an electric razor helped her keep that skin beautiful and alluring. .

After putting in a day's work at the bank, Angel's normal routine was to return to her flat, eat a quick supper and sleep for an hour. Following her nap, she put on her hostess attire and drove to work. Her car was necessary to get her to and from the nightclub district. For one thing, public transportation was hard to find at the late hour she got off work. For another, there were some weird people around, some of them customers of the club, who were liable to follow her and proposition her or much worse. The small car she drove was a big expense, but Angel regarded it as being worth it, all things considered.

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