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Becoming a Free Spirit

I must have fallen asleep again because the cold water woke me up with a start.

I stood up and took the towel and started to wipe my body down.

I looked down and couldn't see past my breasts

"My what?" I gasped in horror. "I had tits!!!!"

I felt between my legs and my dick was still there.

"Whew!" I thought.

I looked in the mirror and saw my hair was a little longer then yesterday. I ran my hand over my face and it was smooth like a woman's. I noticed my nails had also grown out.

I heard Annie's voice in my head. "I told you honey to throw that idol away."

I shook my head but it was no good. Annie was a part of me now.

"I never told you that I used to be a man once as well. It was long before we met. I was an amateur explorer and found it in a small cave in Mexico. I left the day after I found it, and the next night I started to change."

"It started just like this; my hair grew overnight along with my fingernails. I got breasts and eventually my penis was replaced with a pussy. I was freaking out for quite awhile. But then I accepted it as men and woman treated me different alike. . Then you and I met and I never had the heart to tell you the story."

What she had just told me had me freaking out.

"Its okay honey in time you will learn to accept it and maybe find someone who will love you."

"Now go and stand in front of the full-length mirror. I want to see what you look like"

I walked into the bedroom and turned the light on.

"Just relax and begin to enjoy it baby. Think of it this way no more shaving your back. "In fact no more shaving anywhere."

"Really?" I said to myself out loud.

"Yes love." Annie spirit said to me

It was too much for my brain to take, I think I passed out. When I woke up the sun was shining in the window.

"Must have been a dream," I thought.

I went to get up and found it wasn't.

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