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Bike Shed Rendezvous

'Hmm,' she says giving your little protruding cock a thorough examination. 'It's even smaller than I remembered.' You sigh and she bends at the knee and prods it disapprovingly then jabs the pubic hair region. 'And I must do something about your bush.' She tuts. 'I'll wax it into a lovely heart shape one night.'

You smile, pondering the thought rather too enthusiastically as... 'Smack!' Becky flicks the ruler down and back across your bare buttocks.

'But that's quite enough, my pretty Lucy, put my panties on NOW.'

Dutifully you step a shaking foot into the soft sissy fabric. You hold your breath; you bite your lip, you tremble excitedly as your dream comes true as you glide them up your smooth legs and as if by magic you're transformed into a sissy College girl slut.

'That's excellent.' she coos, 'I forgot how sexy you look in a skirt.' she walks around you like a major inspecting his troops. Slapping bits of you she liked and bits she didn't. 'For an eighteen year old you're a stunner. Just look at your silhouette, Oh! you must play up your film-star curves. You're so slim and pretty most girls would give their right arm to look anything like you. Your boobs are perhaps a bit big but hey! It's what the boys really love.' she laughs and inspects her own chest. 'In fact you look rather sluttish... But that's no bad thing. I've heard it's quite fashionable nowadays. I can just imagine you as a bleached blonde in a leopard skin top, white mini-skirt and bright yellow stilettos. You might be initially mistaken as a street hooker but with that sweet face of yours you could easily be a twenty something art student pulling an edgy fashion style. Disco slut is a hot look right now.' She laughs and circles you once more.

'Oh Babe! There's just one thing missing, lippie.' She dips into her handbag and pulls out a bright red lipstick. 'I know, I know make-ups not allowed at college but your dry lips are crying out for some colour.' She smears the stick across your lips and hands you a tissue. 'You really should take more care of your skin,' she says as you dab them on a tissue. Becky chuckles and as she puts the lipstick away there's a loud commotion at the entrance door as a huddle of girls burst in.

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