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Blame Abba Chapter 3

We lay still, unable to move and not really caring. My body was wholly satiated as it had never been before and I ached all over. But I had done it. I'd fucked a gorgeous woman as a woman, maybe even for the last time. I had screwed her, I'd screwed my sister's lover. And I loved it!

Right there and then my mind was made up. I knew I was sexually 'odd', my experiences of the past few weeks told me that. But how? Bisexual, yes. BUT. Nearer to lesbian than gay.

As 'Don' I would certainly have had sex with Mary but as 'Donna', well, it was just mind-blowing.

"You two," said Mary, bringing me back to reality.

"You and Jacqui, you are a right pair, certainly. And you, Donna, well. I have never had sex with a woman with a cock before, that's what you seem to me. And I certainly want it again, that was just sensational. One day, how would you like to come out with me, to a club I know? I would LOVE to show off a girlfriend like you! Please?"

I really did think at that moment my life was getting itself together. The next few days did settle things, though not quite as I had intended.

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