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Blushing Bride Chapter 2

If I thought there were looks of surprise on my friend's faces at my entrance, it was even more the case now as an audible gasp went up around the room at my appearance transformed to the face of a sexy girl. To further enhance the image I leaned forward in a provocative pose, fluttered my newly long eyelashes, pouted my pink lips and blew Joe a kiss. He grinned as I've seen him do when he catches the eye of a real pretty girl, but a second later I saw him blush and look away, seeming confused by the emotions I was stirring up in him. I couldn't blame him, I was feeling pretty confused myself. Sure, dressing like a woman was everything I had hoped it would be, it made me feel sexy and confident and flirty and sure I always wanted to see what it would be like to use such feminine talents to seduce a man but these were my closest friends and I was starting to have thoughts about them that I had never had before, lascivious thoughts that don't normally pass between ordinary friends, the same thoughts that I could sense some of them were trying to suppress about me.

"So," said Mark, excitedly sensing this atmosphere, "Who wants to kiss the bride?" All the guys tried not to catch his or my eye as he said this, not wanting to be humiliated before their friends. In the absence of any volunteers, Mark continued, "Maybe the beautiful Gina should be the one to pick herself, who's it going to be, Gina?" he asked, still referring to me by my fiancee's name, so much so that I began to feel I was Gina here with a room of studly men to pick from.

Understandably enough, now that I was assuming the persona of a lust filled young woman, the choice of which guy to kiss was an enticing and exciting one and one that I wasn't going to take lightly. A part of me thought that once I did this there could be no turning back, by the way that I kissed one of the men, that would indicate pretty clearly where my real desires lay and would make it ever harder to pass this whole thing off as a joke.

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