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Both Sides Of The Coin

For no reason at all, I thought of what it would be like as a girl in a porn movie. In an outfit not unlike what I was wearing, bent over some convenient object with my ass pointed towards the sky. The word "submission" streaked through my brain, and I felt my cock hardening again. This time around, I didn't fight it right away, but rubbed my crotch through the panties. The feeling was electric. My lips parted and I inhaled sharply.

Whoa. That jolt shook me loose, and I realized my drink was empty and I needed pillows and that jerking off in the guest room would solve precisely none of my current problems.

I headed back out into the "party," though by this point it had died down. In the living room, the music was low, and some light conversation was happening. I swung by the bar and casually asked if anyone needed anything.

"I'll have a beer, honey" Mike called out. The other two conscious people in the room chuckled. I shot Mike a look that said "cut it out" and he shot me one back that said "make me."

As I walked over with drinks in tow, and asked Mike about the pillows and blankets.

"I'll show you those in a minute, just have your drink with us first."

Realizing I had no choice, I resigned myself to his terms. I assessed the seating situation: There were two random people in the only two chairs in the room, one passed out guy occupying the entire couch, and Mike suggestively off to one side of the love seat.


I slid in next to Mike, and a moment later noticed with some alarm that I had automatically crossed my legs "like a lady" as I had practiced in the bedroom.

The conversation was dull. I politely smiled and chuckled, hoping to get through it, get my pillows, and get to bed. The music played low in the background, matching the lighting and the energy of the room.

Mike's knee touched mine. I noticed it dreamily, but didn't pull away.

The conversation turned to sex. The two guys didn't add much, but Mike had something interesting to say that stuck with me.

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