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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 2

She spluttered, breaking his embrace.

He snatched her back, and she let him hold her. Their mouths locked upon one another. Their tongues slipped through one another's lips and swirled about each other. Spike's hands found Buffy's buttocks, and he squeezed them firmly.

Again, Buffy broke away.

"Now what?" Spike demanded, frustrated and angry.

"We go inside," Buffy said.

"It's almost dark. No one can see us."

"There's a streetlight not thirty feet away, the porch light's on, and people can see us."

Spike shrugged. Humoring her, he started toward her house.

"Not inside my house!" Buffy protested. She took his hand in hers, leading him away.

Spike shook his head. He'd never understand women, not if he lived another couple hundred years. Oh, well, he thought, as long as he got the good stuff, what did it matter?

It was dark by the time that Buffy and Spike arrived at their destination-the mausoleum in one of Sunnydale's dozen cemeteries in which the vampire had set up housekeeping. In all the years that Buffy had been trespassing on the town's burial grounds, she hadn't been arrested once, nor, for that matter, had Spike. In fact, Buffy seldom saw police officers on patrol in the vicinity of any of Sunnydale's graveyards. Most likely, the cops knew or suspected that something inexplicable and evil was associated, if not caused by, the cemeteries and that these cities of the dead were best left alone. The lack of a police presence in and around the cemeteries made Buffy's (and Spike's) comings and goings simple and easy.

Now, as they walked through the graveyard, Buffy was glad to be alone with Spike. Although she and the vampire had a longstanding love-hate relationship that equally excited and disgusted Buffy, the Slayer was unable completely to dissociate herself from her former lover and sometimes-enemy. Their relationship was complex-and, to Buffy, at least-disgusting. She hated herself for not totally hating Spike.

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