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Chinese Extremes Part 6

After just two days at the school Lien was ready to do anything to get back in Master's good graces. Anything. Not only were the students as well as the teachers most adept in causing pain. It wasn't that Lien actively liked pain (well, maybe a little), but the kind metered out at the school was manageable - at least so far. What was far worse was the constant verbal assaults, insults far worse than being called "useless" or "worthless", insults administered by sly and jealous teenage girls and their equally insecure teachers. Because strangely the girls were genuinely jealous and they showed it in every little remark. Lien was a super-sexy creature with a superb ass, long slender legs, a very pretty feminine face, a waist most people wouldn't believe and a pair of killer tits. It had taken months and years of hard work, from herself but also from doctors and trainers, various masters and mistresses to mould her into what she was now. Now finally, Lien was the creature Master had intended, but these women didn't quite grasp this. They wanted what she had but couldn't get it, so they turned vicious on her. Of course she spent a lot of time licking pussy, getting whipped and tied up, drinking the occasional shower of warm piss from some hot, little Chinese babe whose father had more money than God. This was as it should be; this was the slave life she loved. But all the time someone was criticizing her hair, her boobs, the way she licked pussy; everything she did and everything about her.

After a week Lien experienced a feeling she hadn't felt since Master had enslaved her: real anger. Master may have taken away her freedom and transformed her into something she had never imagined. He had done terrible things to her and to the slaves around her. But no matter how horribly she had been treated Lien had always had the distinct feeling that he wanted her as his slave; that no matter how poorly he spoke of her, he basically preferred her company and that of her fellow slaves to many other people. He might well treat them as dirt and do things to his slaves that were inhumane at best, but in a strange way he cared for them. And Lien and most, if not all, of Master's slaves loved him in return. And finally there was no denying that Lien loved being a sissy-slave, that her enslavement had been the fulfillment of a fantasy.

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