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Cincinnati Apocalypse Part 5

"It's okay," Riley stopped her. "Like I said, Michelle will do. Actually, she's quite a girl."

Willow gave her friend a lascivious smile. "She has quite a package, all right."

"She has the personality to go with it."

"Kennedy does, too."

As Kennedy and Michelle strolled the streets of one of the world's most romantic cities, Kennedy couldn't help but to steal a few glances at her companion. Although Kennedy had no intention whatsoever of ever cheating on Willow, a girl could look, she thought, as long as she was willing not to touch.

A tall, lithe-limbed woman with close-cropped blonde hair, Michelle was big-bosomed, with wider hips than was currently popular among the faggot fashion designers who dictated women's sex appeal. She had long legs, too, and flawless skin. Her eyes were long of lash and hazel of iris. Kennedy could see what had attracted Riley to her. If Kennedy weren't already in a relationship with Willow and Michelle were gay instead of straight, Kennedy herself would have been interested in the statuesque beauty-and more than merely interested-way more.

"I'm sorry," the Slayer said, realizing that Michelle had addressed her. "I didn't catch that."

"I was just wondering," she repeated, "how long you and Willow have-um-been- ah-together."

"Less than a year. How about you and Riley?"

"Going on three."

"You must be keeping his batteries charged-oops. Sorry. I didn't mean-"

Michelle chuckled. "It's okay," she said. "I do keep his batteries charged, as you say."

"Me, too-with Will, I mean."

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

"Another one, then? A personal one?"

"Shoot-but metaphorically, commando girl."

"If you don't want to answer, that's fine; I'll under-"

"Would you ask, already?"

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