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Duchess of Lamore Part 2

Once his penis went dry and began to grow limp, Drake released it. It slipped from his lips and fell back to the man's thigh. He straightened up and glanced around the room. Everyone was staring at him. They all seemed quite pleased with his performance. He licked his lips once or twice to indicate that he was quite pleased as well.

The girl leaned forwarded and gave him a big kiss. She reached around her neck and retrieved her silver pendant. She gave him a big smile and placed it around his neck. She waved her arm at the room full of men. Her intention was very clear.
He looked around realizing that he could now have any man in the room. One by one they smiled, spreading their legs, beckoning him to try them next.

He looked at his girls. What an impossible situation.

He clutched the pendant around his neck and grinned. Sitting right next to the man he had just sampled was another. He had a lovely penis just waiting to be released. He squeezed the soft tip with his fingers and ran his other hand over his tightly stretched balls.

Yes, he would do nicely. They would all do nicely. He moved between his legs and slipped the pendant into his silver jewelry.

Hours later his girls guided him back to his room. Never had he experienced anything so wicked, so wildly pleasurable. Once safely cocooned in his bedroom they help him out of his sarong. They all shared a big hug and kiss before he slipped underneath the covers. His head barely touched the pillow before he was fast asleep.

He could barely remember the events of the night before. His head was foggy. He lay in bed with his eyes closed. He could feel the weight of the jewelry around his privates. His head ached and his jaw was surprisingly sore.

He drifted in that place between sleep and consciousness. Images started filtering through to his brain. Bits and pieces started registering. He remembered having his lips clamped over a long black tube of flesh. He felt his jaw. It was sore in a strange way.

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