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Emily and Steve Part 2

Mike had disappeared at lunch, and hadn't returned to his desk. I tried to focus enough to complete my conference call, but really couldn't help but continue to think about what surprise Emily had in store for me. This was going to be the first time I'd seen Emily at the office.

Finally, after going in circles on invoice formats for 45 minutes, my conference call ended. I quickly left my desk and headed towards Mr. Krebs old office. Mr. Krebs is the CFO of our company, and had a beautiful corner office that provided excellent views of a nearby forested valley with a river running through it. I had only been in Mr. Krebs office once before, and that was on my first day when I was introduced to our CFO, got a pep talk about being part of the "team," and as soon as I left the office, Mr. Krebs promptly forgot everything about me. Typical executive behavior, really.

Mr. Krebs was one of the first people to move to the new building for his bigger office with a better view, so his old office had been sitting empty for weeks, all the furniture moved out. I had no idea what Emily had planned for a large room with only a carpet to sit on, but I was excited to find out.

I arrived at Mr. Krebs office to find the door closed. I knocked and said, "Is anyone in there?"

"The door is open," I heard Emily reply back. I opened the door slowly.

The office felt even bigger without the furniture in it. Large, floor to ceiling glass windows ran along the two outer walls, providing excellent views of the forested valley and river below. A few maple and oak trees were close to the building along the one wall, with the canopy about the height of Mr. Krebs office. The green canopy of the maple and oaks made it feel almost like we were outside.

On the floor in the middle of the office, a blanket had been spread out. On the blanket was a plate with some cherries and strawberries and a small bowl of whipped cream. Beside the blanket, chilling in a bucket of ice was a bottle of champagne. A portable CD player was plugged into a wall in the corner of the room, playing soft and sensual music through a seat of portable speakers.

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