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Halloween with Movie Stars Chapter 1

Tim finally showed up. He was dressed as Elvis in that classic white jumpsuit with the wide belt. "What the fuck, man? Elvis? trying to pick up old ladies?"

"Dude! Elvis is a chick magnet...for all ages. I will definitely score in this costume."

"Whatever man," I joked. "Let's hit it."

We made our way to sorority row. The whole block was filled with loud music as every house was throwing a party. I looked at Tim, "We have arrived my man!" He smiled back and in his Elvis impersonation, "Thank you...thank you very much."

We walked into the first house. The place had all these lame decorations. There was music, but the place was flat. We found the keg and poured some beers. We milled around, said hello to a few people, but the place was dead. Tim and I looked at each other and headed for the door.

Fortunately we didn't have far to go as there was another party next door. Now the two parties couldn't have been more different. There was a banner strung across the entry that said, 'Welcome to Hollywood.' The Rolling Stones were blaring and people were dancing. Well, you couldn't really call it dancing as people were jammed together like sardines. The place was jumping with excitement. It didn't take long to figure out all the chicks were dressed as movie stars.

Tim and I looked at each other and smiled. This was definitely more like it. We made our way to the keg, poured fresh beers and started to mingle through the crowd. The place was lousy with chicks. They were everywhere.

I was making my way through the crowd when I saw Marilyn Monroe. She was wearing that classic white dress from The Seven Year Itch. She had that platinum blonde hair that framed her cute face with bright red lips and of course that iconic mole just to the side of her mouth.

Our eyes kind of locked on to each other as we shared a moment. She gave me this sexy little pout, tilted her head to one side and flashed her cute little panties at me. I could see where her stockings attached to her garter belt and everything. She pushed her dress down and gave me that innocent little giggle Marilyn was famous for.

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