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Headmistress' Favorite Sport Part 2

As she lay in bed that night tied up tightly with the sound of her nightly conditioning tapes filling her ears, Denise was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. On one hand there was no doubt that what they had done was wrong, but on the other hand there was also little doubt that right and wrong with regards to sex, was going to play an ever decreasing part in her life. It was not as if she had very much control over it. It could easily be argued that both she and her mother had very little control over their actions, even when they were alone. Both were being pumped full of chemicals designed to enhance their libido and every minute of their training was designed to turn them into hopeless little sexpots. On the other hand it was also clear that they had had a choice. No one had forced them, at least not the first time they had had sex, and they could have chosen not to. But the urge had been overwhelming. Neither had been able to resist. And it had been good. It had been fantastic. The feeling of a soft warm pussy surrounding her cock had been so fantastic that Denise's mind kept returning to it. She fell asleep thinking about the unstoppable sensation of her orgasm approaching.

Susanne was thinking about it too and she was conflicted too. But then she also had Rachel to remind her. Ever since she had come back with that little post-orgasmic smile on her face, Rachel had been all over her assisted by Tony. "How does it feel to be an incestuous little nymphomaniac slave bitch?" she ridiculed Susanna. "Was fucking that useless little sissy son of yours good? Did it make you feel like a better mother?" Rachel went on and on and Susanna eventually replied angrily, which of course led to a furious punishment session for talking back too her mistress. The punishment session of course included plenty of taunting about her intercourse with Denise.

Rachel for her part was delighted. She had found the final lever with which to crack Susanna's shell.

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