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Headmistress' Favorite Sport Part 3

Her voices boomed across the room and Denise noticed that even her handler Suzy cringed at the sound of her voice as she went on: "You are the most disgusting little sluts I have ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on, but I promise you that once we are through with you, you will at least be well trained and behaved if not exactly valuable. You must understand that you are the lowest creatures on the planet and that everyone is better than you." Having delivered what was obviously a standard speech to scare the new sissies, she seemed to relax a little. The speech had obviously worked. Denise could see that she wasn't the only one who had been scared badly by the speech. A small black sissy, who looked absolutely adorable with huge, round eyes and very fine features all around, was actually crying.

Mistress Hoffmeyer issued an order: "Sluts: get the useless newcomers tucked in. They are seeing the doctor tomorrow, so they'll need all the rest they can get." She chuckled a little as she said this. Denise's handler got busy preparing her for the night. First she positioned Denise as close to her door as she could. Then she strapped Denise's legs together at the knees and ankles. From the wall she got Denise's sleeping bag, for that was indeed what it was. It was a bag made from thick, black leather and it encased Denise from her ankles to just below her chin. First it was zipped up the front and then it was tightened with a mass of straps and buckles on the front. Once Denise was wrapped up Suzy opened the door and slid out the shelf Denise would be lying on out. The space in the locker was even smaller than Denise had imagined. If she would be able to move around once the door was closed, which Denise very much doubted, there wouldn't even be room enough for her to raise her head. Denise saw that the pretty black sissy she had seen crying was now crying almost hysterically.

Returning her attention to what was about to happen to her, Denise saw that on the shelf Suzy had pulled out lay a helmet of sorts.

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