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I am Baaack! Part 4

Pictures taken by Barbara show that Mr. Saunders appears to be in the early stages of feminization. She also found that "Robbie", as he's being called, usually stops for a glass of wine or two - it used to be a beer or two - at the Wine Bar on Rosco after work. My job is to make friends with 'her' and hopefully bring her over to the 'light side of the femme'." She smiled.

Jess had a momentary image of her "father" in a white robe with his hair in buns on both sides of "her" head, holding a light saber.

"Barbara reports," continued Stephanie, "that Robbie is big, and felt that a T-girl bigger than him/her might have a psychological edge. I was the only one who fit the bill."

Still processing her father's new look, Jessica stuttered, "Da.da.da.Daddy, you're beautiful!"

Stephanie curtsied in response, and, big as she was, it was sweet, graceful, and not at all comic.

>From Bethany, with her hands on her hips: "Well, Twerp, would you expect anything less from us!?" And then she giggled. Joyce and Elizabeth smiled; they were used to this between Bethany and Jessica.

Jessica, slowly gearing down, stuck her tongue out at Bethany, and then slowly approached her father. "Mom?"

"'Aunt Stephie', dear. Come, give your auntie a hug." Every bit as strong, of course, as Steve, she reached out and effortlessly picked up her daughter and pulled her into a bear hug. "Kiss kiss, dear," she cautioned, "don't muss the makeup."

Having been put down, Jessica backed away from her "Aunt". She got serious. "This could be dangerous Da.Aunt Stephie; you be careful!" She paused. "Can I help?"

"I know, sweetie, but this is something your Aunt Stephie has to handle for herself." And looking his/her son/daughter/niece in the eye, Stephanie added in a serious tone, "I'll be careful." And lightening up a bit, "You've seen your ol' Dad in action, and I am, after all, his twin. Now, scoot; Auntie has work to do!"

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