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I am Baaack! Part 5

Robbie made a leap of faith. "Okay, Steph." Unknown to her conscious mind, she had already made a choice. Lou and Ed were real women, and they were normal female size. Big T-girls really did need to stick together.

The two women entered the building through the famous (or infamous, if you asked Lou and Ed) red doors. As apprehensive as she was, Robbie felt the urge to shop as she passed the gorgeous gowns and other pretty things displayed in the store. When they reached the cash register, Stephanie introduced the blonde Marilyn Monroe double standing behind it. "Robbie, this is my daughter, Jessica. She's also my son, Jay."

"Daddy!" Jessica had not been referred to as Jay for over a year now, and was aghast that her father would revel her to a complete stranger.

Stephanie put her hand on her daughter's arm. "I'm sorry, Jess. This is Robbie, whom you've heard about, and she needs to know that there are other T-girls here - and you just returned the favor by calling me 'Daddy'" She turned, smiling to Robbie. "Honestly, Robbie, do I look like a 'daddy' to you?"

A confused Robbie just stood there.

Somewhat mollified, Jessica stuck out her hand. "Hi, Robbie, 'Aunt Stephie' here can be somewhat abrupt, but her heart is in the right place." As Robbie took her hand and the two shook, she continued. "I AM Jessica; I WAS Jay. Jay is no longer in the picture." She turned to Stephanie. "File that away, 'Daddy'; you've got a full time daughter."

Stephanie shook her head. She reached across the counter and hugged her daughter. Out of her beautiful feminine lips came Steve's bass, clearly masculine, voice. "Well, well, well, this is a day for revelations. Goodbye, then, to Jay. I can't say I'm completely surprised. I will remember him; I will not mourn him. I love you, daughter." She sniffed. "Damn! I'm still not proficient with this eye makeup thing, and now I'm going to have repair work to do!" Back to Stephanie's voice. "Call and tell Rose that Robbie is here, dear; it's time for further revelations."

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