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Jeremy's School Bully

One Long Assed First Day

Jeremy's homeroom teacher cut him a break and didn't mark him tardy, but that was the last thing that went right that day. Well almost the last thing. At lunch while in line getting his food, if that was what you could call it, Lana walked into the room and it seemed as though her eyes immediately fell on him. It was like having a hungry tiger staring at you. She gave him a radiant smile, a big wink and mouthed the words 'See you soon!' to him across the lunchroom.

Normally having a six foot plus tall blonde with a figure any girl would be envious of smile and wink at him would have made his entire week, maybe his year, but in this case he could still feel his stomach aching from the punches she landed to his midsection only hours earlier. While distracted by Lana he didn't notice that the mountain of a boy in the football jersey in front of him had stopped moving. Jeremy ran into him and spilled most of his food down the boy's back. The boy slowly turned around as he felt his back with one hand, the disbelief on his face quickly being replaced with anger.

"Did you just dump your entire lunch down my back?" He said slowly and menacingly.

"Not my entire lunch...I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking and ..." That was all he got out as Mountain Boy dumped his own lunch over Jeremy's head. He then dropped the lunch tray and drew back a boulder sized fist in preparation to crush Jeremy's astonished face. Jeremy tired to back up, but bounced into what could have passed for mountain boy's twin in another football jersey who grabbed him by the shoulders. 'Shit! Nowhere to go!' Jeremy screwed his eyes closed and waited for his world to explode.

"Now Chuck, that's no way to treat a new kid." Jeremy heard Lana say in a smooth voice. He took a chance and opened one eye to just a slit, still expecting to see Chuck's fist hurtling toward his face. What he saw actually terrified him even more, if that was possible. Chuck was looking at Lana and his face had gone completely white. Without her pumps they would have been pretty much eye to eye.

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