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Jessica's Rules

She quickly lashed your 6 times to get the red color back, then slowed down as she let the strap crack across your buttocks another 30 times, catching the upper and inner thighs. You were in tears as Jessica released you for another few moments. "Time for a fuck, slut." Jessica guided her erection against your ass/pussy. She had used lubricant on herself and dipped her finger into you stretched hole to assist the penetration. With a single thrust she drove into you right up to her balls. You groaned. Your legs were quivering and you felt sick. She didn't stop. She pulled back and drove it in again. Your blazing cheeks were spread flat with the force of her stroking. Jessica took a long time to finish the fuck. The previous ejaculations made it a very long process to build up the load that was now prepared to surge into you gaping hole. She began to stroke faster. Each stroke caused you to cry out with a mixture of pain and pleasure. You loved fucking, but the associated feelings were confusing you. Sudden you realized that your tightly bound cock and balls were aroused. Your prick, stretched tightly against your belly was so hard you thought the skin was going to split. You felt your sore prick ready for a discharge. How could this pain allow you to shoot off? Your mind stopped thinking as your anus went into spasm. Jessica was rammed so deep into your ass/pussy that you felt it in your chest. She was starting to shoot her load. Your own clit started to pump. They were making it together. You felt saliva drool out of your mouth and you shrieked at the intensity of the ejaculation, which shot, along your belly for several inches before hitting the post below your head in a beautiful parabolic arching shot. Jessica's load was so far up your ass that you knew you would be shitting sperm all night. Jessica took her clit out of you slowly. She caressed your body and carefully released all the bonds. You sagged into her arms weeping. She held you for a moment.

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