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Joe gets to the bottom of things

While Joe, somewhat convinced of Juvy's female status, contemplated the coiffure of her pussy; shaved or hairy, Juvy awkwardly removed the latex panties, almost falling down in the process and quickly cupped her groin with her hand. He recognized the gesture as not one of shyness, but one of concealment. Her facetious ruse has had failed and so had Joe's feigned ignorance, he had found what he was looking for.

Joe sat down on the corner of the bed and pulled Juvy towards him, she leaned over still cupping her groin with one hand and whispered in his ear with a purr "are you ready?" She knew the question was rhetorical and Joe acknowledged her musing with silence.

Juvy's flaccid uncut cock looked tiny. The foreskin overlapping it made it look like an unopened flower. Part of Joe's cock fetish was watching them grow; he began caressing Juvy's thighs, reaching up he fingered her nipples... his seduction accomplished, her cock reacted and turned upward, her scrotum contracted, testicles flexed and the purple flower began to blossom. Still caressing her nipples he could feel her heart quicken. Juvy stood in somewhat of a masculine pose; one hand on the back of her ass, the other running her hand through Joe's salt and pepper hair. Joe was in ecstasy watching her reddened cock head emerge at the end of her thickening shaft, rising in a curve against her soft porcelain form. As Joe took in her feminine beauty combined with a manhood now three times the size of when he fist laid eyes on it, he felt an arousal both sexual and sublime. Juvy's cock lined with smooth veins bulging against foreskin pointed up towards Joe's face looking at him, alive, *I've been waiting for you*.

Juvy pressed down her resisting cock to Joe's lips. he gave a furtive lick it and felt it twitch against his nose. He tilted his head back and began licking the underside of the bouncing shaft. He couldn't wait to feel her hardness in his mouth, but was now content taking in the pulsing entity attached to such an elegant female form.

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