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Lorijo on Becoming a Girl

"Well Miss Lorijo, if you would like I would very much like to help you with more progress. I too have a secret ambition. I have always thought about taking a guy and turning him into a real girly girl. Are you interested?"
I didn’t have to think long before answering yes. My heart again pounded with excitement. The offer of having a female help me progress was so exciting.

I left the salon looking so feminine that when I saw my reflected image in store glass I would stop and stare. I noticed others looking at me too, but not looking as they had before. They saw my long blonde hair and a face made up by Jenny to look cute and feminine. They saw my deliberate walk and how my butt moved in the tight jeans I wore. But there was more. They saw me having a new confidence in myself as being a girl. I believed I was so they believed. I felt it with each step, and I constantly moved my head to let my hair swish for those who noticed. People notice hair, and the prettier your hair is the more they look.

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