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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 10

Throughout the planning stages, Magatrix repeatedly assured Nicole's mother that she would take care of not only outfitting the wedding party, but would be providing all the flowers and wedding favors and the like. Naturally, Pam Gerlach was extremely dubious of the magician's claims, to the point that she was beginning to panic, thinking that the wedding would turn out to be an abysmal failure.

Nicole, aware that her mother was coming dangerously close to losing it, took the preemptive measure of contacting Magatrix and asking the magician if there was any way that she could help to relieve her mother's concerns. Magatrix, with several bridal magazines in hand, literally 'popped in' on Pam Gerlach and her husband the following evening. Then, without so much as a by-your-leave or mother-may-I, Magatrix, employing the no nonsense approach, with a flourish of her hand turned Nicole's Dad into splitting image of that new daughter of his. Having accomplished that, over the obvious and incessant objections raised by a thoroughly bewildered Patrick Gerlach, Magatrix began to casually flip through the pages of one of the bridal magazines she had brought with her. Currently, as she did so, the clothing that Nicole's Dad was wearing began to morph, changing from one gown into another in the dazzling and mind-boggling blink of an eye.

Needless to say, Nicole's Mom was rendered thoroughly flabbergasted with the demonstration of Magatrix's magical abilities. She was also keenly aware that as far as the wedding was concerned, there was absolutely nothing to get herself worked-up or worried about. With Magatrix on hand to deal with any oversights that might crop up, Pam Gerlach felt assured that her daughter's upcoming wedding was to be the most wonderful wedding there ever was.

Besides allaying Pam Gerlach's misgivings, Magatrix's unexpected visit netted some unintended consequences. Nicole's father, while not wishing to repeat what he took to be the ignominy of the experience of his brief tenure as a member of the opposite sex, gained an insight that in turn led to an appreciation of his daughter's decision to remain the girl she had become.

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