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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 2

"I did?" John was clearly dubious. "When?"

"When you were playing a game of stink-finger with me."

"You mean, when I had my middle finger up inside of that little new you-know-what of yours?"

"If you're referring to this nifty new cunt of mine, then the answer is, YES! I mean, it just felt really funny at first, you know, feeling you probing around inside of me like that. But then, all of a sudden, you hit this real sensitive area, and the next thing I know, I've got these absolutely fantastic sexual shivers coursing all throughout this nifty new body of mine."

"Wow! Now, that's really something!"

"How so?" Mike asked, seeking clarification.

"Well, if it is true that I did somehow manage to find your G-Spot, I have to confess that it's a first for me."

"You mean to tell me that you never had another woman tell you that you found her G-Spot?"

"No! Never. Truth be told, kiddo, I always half suspected that the G-Spot was nothing more than a lot of crap. I thought it was just another one of those urban legends that you're always hearing about, concocted by a group of ball-busting feminist dykes, as a ploy to make men feel as if they were somehow inadequate lovers."

"Yeah. I kind of a thought so, too." Mike murmured thoughtfully. "However, I now know differently." Shivering with the recollection, Mike continued on to gleefully declare, "So, I guess you could say that we both have learned an invaluable lesson tonight. There really is a G-Spot, and - Thank the Lord! - I've got one!"

"Maybe, while you're thanking God, you ought to thank Magatrix as well," John offered with a chuckle. "After all, Mikey, she's the one who fitted you out with this lovely new body of yours."

"What can I say, John? When you're right, you're right! I do have Magatrix to thank for tonight! Please, John, first thing tomorrow morning, I want you to call me and remind me that I need to do something special to thank her for everything. Okay?"

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