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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 3

"Actually, I came inside of you three times, but who's counting?"

A few more minutes passed before Mike felt the desire to speak again. "John."


"Did you enjoy it? I mean, was it as good for you as it was for me?"

"Oh, yeah, kiddo! I thoroughly enjoyed myself."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that." Mike weakly cooed. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. John."


"I probably shouldn't be asking you this, but, compared to all the other women you've made love to, how was I? I mean, was I average, less then average, or above average? Look! I know I'm putting you on the spot, and you don't have to answer me if you don't want to, but I kind of sort of would like to know."

"Well, let me see." John began thoughtfully. "On a scale from one to ten, and being totally objective about it, I'd have to say that you, young lady, rate right in there as a solid twelve."

"Yeah, right! Me, a twelve! Get real here, will ya! Come on, John! Please! I want you to be brutally honest me!"

"I was being honest with you!"

"Oh no, you weren't!"

"Oh, yes I was!"

"But, I didn't do a damn thing! I just lay there and let you have at me!"

Concurring, John quickly replied, "Well, that is true. But, then again, if you remember correctly, I wouldn't let you. Every time you tried to jump in, and lend a hand, so to speak, I stopped you. So, I guess you could say that I have only myself to blame. Tell you what! If it'll make you feel better, I'll deduct half a point from the grand total for your lack of participation. Okay. If my calculations are correct, that gives you an overall rating of eleven and a half, and, just so you know, that's a solid three and a half points more than any other woman that I've ever shared a bed with."

Once again employing the double positive to put a negative spin on her reply, Mike quipped, "Yeah! Right! John, would you please stop bird-turdin' me and give me an honest answer! Was I average, less than average, or what?"

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