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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 7

"Mike!" the magician quietly cautioned. "Look! I know you're excited, and believe me, you have every right to be excited right now, but please, before you start attracting any undo attention to yourself, you really need to cool your lollies, all right?"

Realizing that Magatrix was giving her some good advice, Mike did her best to stifle any outward display of the exuberance she was feeling. "Magatrix?"

"Yes, Michael?"

"This is for keeps, right? I mean, you're not going to change me back into a guy again, are you?"

"No, dear. I'm not. That is, unless you really want me to?"

"No!" Mike's retort was emphatic. "No. I want to stay just like I am right now."

"Good." John let out a long sigh of relief. "I've been hoping that you'd say that."

"You were?" Mike coyly replied. "And, why's that?"

"You know perfectly well, why!"

"I do?"

"Yes, you most certainly do!"

"Tell you what," Mike teased. "Just to make doubly sure we're both talking about the same thing, why don't you just tell me again."

John, who historically had a hard time with the L-Word, especially when in the presence of others, blurted out, "Aw, shit, Mikey! Why are you doing this to me? Look! You know that it goes without saying that I love you, and that I want you to marry me!"

"Well, while I agree that it might go without saying that you love me, you need to understand something here. Girls like to hear guys tell them they love them. And, since I'm a girl now, I think I'm entitled to hearing you tell me that you love me, and that you want to marry me, and that your life won't be complete without me in it, over and over and over again. In other words, pal, if you want me to be your happily wedded wife, to have and to hold and to get a little nookie from every once in a while, you'd best get over this hang-up with L-Word, P.D.Q., if not a little bit sooner! And, if you know what's good for you, you better get your shit in gear and start as of now!"

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