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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 9

"I mean, being realistic about it, this Third Version that I've been telling you about would go a long way to explain why there are both transvestites and transsexuals. It would also help us understand why there are not only heterosexuals, but also homosexuals, bisexuals, and, last but far from least, asexuals thrown into the mix. Basically, it is my humble contention that though each one of us is endeavoring to do it in our own deluded way, we are in some way, shape or form trying our damnedest to reclaim the completeness of being that Adameve's willful act of disobedience has denied us.

"Maybe, in the end, that's all that Heaven really is. Being complete, and basking in the everlasting euphoric splendor of God's beatific presence.

"Okay! Be that as it may be. Though this Third Version of the Creation Narrative never actually made it into the Bible, per se, it is my contention that it did have a life of its own, however sorted and secretive that life may well have been. Though it isn't exactly etched in stone, I have every reason to believe that when the Hebrew Children were sold into slavery in Egypt, this Third Rendition went right along with them. You see, about fifteen years ago a stone tablet was unearthed in a farmer's field not far from an archeological dig on the western shores of the Nile in southern Egypt. Well, though the scholars are still debating the meaning of several of the never seen before pictographs, it appears that the tablet cryptically alludes to some sort of genetic experiment going terrible amiss in the days that immediately preceded Moses and the Exodus. It seems that a little known sect of Egyptian Priest-Physician-Herbalists had heard a blind Hebrew elder recount the seldom-told tale of Adameve, and wished to create such an amalgamated human being for themselves. There is even some suggestion that what these priests wished to achieve was a way of incorporating this amalgamation process into the ceremony involved in investing a new pharaoh, as a means to set their ruler apart from the rest of mankind.

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