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Permanent For Life

“I will only apply the base coat now since I won’t know what
color to use until your makeup is done.” Janice told me.

While Janice was placing the manicure table by the hair
dryer I became aware of how uncomfortable I was. The weight of
all the steel rollers and clamps was making my neck tired,
especially since could hardly turn my head because of all the
wires connecting me to the machine. At least the smell from the
lotion wasn’t as strong as it had been, but the heat from the
machine clamps was really uncomfortable. I called to Janice
telling her how hot my head was becoming.

“That is to be expected”. she replied. ” This process
operates on the principle of increasing heat. The lotion we
applied softens the hair so it will assume the shape of the
curlers. The machine generates heat through the clamps
fastened over the curlers. The increasing heat causes the
lotion to steam out of the hair and hardens the hair into
the new shape on the curler. The machine will cut off in
five more minutes so just be patient.”

Janice rolled a cart in front of me that contained a TV
monitor and VCR. She started a tape and then brought a miniature
set of headphones and placed them in my ears. Janice left the
room as the tape began to play scenes of beautiful landscapes,
seashores and mountains. The sound to this tape was of some
strange New Age music that repeated itself periodically.

As I
watched and listened a soothing, peaceful, and happy feeling came
over me. I did not seem to be any less excited, only less anxious
and fearful. Ms. Merrill returned to the room with Tara just as
the machine clicked off. Janice donned a pair of gloves and
removed the hot clamps from my head. Ms. Merrill snapped several
photos of this being done and said.

“Now that your hair has been curled, we must cool it before
removing the curlers. If you will go back to the styling
chair Janice and Tara will start the cooling.”

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