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Pretty Woman

"It's my first time." he mumbled, cheeks burning as he looked anywhere but at his sister. Now that the initial terror of being caught had faded, he didn't quite know what to do with himself, so he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "What are you even doing home?"

"Christmas break dumb ass." Emily rolled her eyes. "Don't change the subject. You know, you actually look pretty passable." She circled him once, and a smile spread across her face. Then, the bossy, take-charge sister he knew and loved came shining through in a mixture of embarrassment and familiarity on Tyler's part as the receiving end. "You know what, this will be fun. I always wanted a sister to dress up. Before I start, though, are you actually gay?"

"No!" he replied with a defensive scowl, then relented a little and rubbed the back of his neck as he added "I don't think so, but...I am a little...curious. About stuff. It's like, when I think about, um, dressing up- I start thinking like a girl too. Does that make any sense?"

"About as much as finding out your little brother likes putting on girl clothes, yeah. Cool. Tell you what, get out of that shit before Mom and Dad get home, and after we got through the obligatory family time, we're going to have some brother-sister bonding time." Emily replied, giving Tyler a familiar scheming smile that he'd seen a thousand times before, though he had no idea what the night would truly bring.

After their parents had fawned all over Emily, and they'd eaten dinner- where Tyler had been completely silent, sure his parents knew exactly what he had been doing while they were gone- Emily brought up the subject of going out. "Hey, I haven't seen Ty in awhile, we were thinking to hang out tonight, maybe go club hopping or something." she said casually. Their father, the only one still at the table, glanced between the two of them, and sighed, setting his newspaper down.

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