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Spy Girl

"I've wanted to talk to you in private, but haven't been able to get up the nerve. You see Mr. Patrinkov, I find you very attractive and I would like to get to know you much better." As Vicki said this she slipped her arms around Patrinkov's neck. He looked down at her cleavage rather uncomfortably and began to reply,

"Miss Smith you are a very lovely young woman, but..." That was all he got out before she pulled his face down into her cleavage where the chloroform soaked handkerchief awaited him. Patrinkov was so taken by surprise that he didn't even start to struggle until it was too late.

Vicki caught him before he fell to her feet and hoisted him over her shoulder. She thought to herself, 'Thank goodness he's not a big guy!' as she moved off through the shadows toward the small basement apartment she rented not more than a block away.

What finally brought Patrinkov around was the pain in his wrists and ankles where he was tied standing up, spread eagle and naked, on some sort of rack type machine. As he slowly came to he was smart enough to keep his eyes closed and just listen to the surroundings. Other than a faucet dripping off to his left he could hear nothing. No cars, no trucks, no people, or anything else for that matter. This didn't bode well, because if he couldn't hear anything, then most likely there was no one to hear him should he begin to scream for help. He opened his eyes and saw Vicki wearing a red robe and sitting on a wooden chair directly in front of him. Her legs were crossed and she was smoking a cigarette as she watched him. She had long honey blonde hair, a finely sculpted face and blue eyes. He imagined the look in her eyes to be the same look a cat would have as it watched a newly caught mouse, waiting for it to try to escape and the fun to begin all over again. Patrinkov spared a second to take a quick glance around the room. It was pretty much as he expected, a rundown apartment with only a bed, a small kitchenette with a table in one corner, and the chair which was currently occupied by Miss Smith, though he doubted that was her real name. He gently tried his bonds to see if they gave any, but as he suspected, he was expertly bound.

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