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Story for adults Part 6

Mittens squeezing her hands into useless cone-shapes were pressed onto her hands and her arms were twisted into a back-prayer, her bound wrists secured to the broad collar, which had been put around her neck. Then tubes were forced down through her nostrils and into her lungs, allowing her to breathe no matter what and a thick tube was forced down her throat and into her stomach. This would always bring Alice to the brink of panic and tears would stream silently down her face, as her vocal cords were rendered useless by the passing tube. Then she would be made to crawl or squirm her way across the floor and into the box that would be her home until Mistress Catherine came back again. Inside the box her legs would be strapped to the floor and she would be strapped down in a doubled-up position.

The hoses were then connected and Alice would be blindfolded and her ears filled with plugs. Just before her ears were plugged Mistress Catherine would say: "Always remember what a worthless slave slut you are and how lucky you are to have a mistress to take care of you. You owe your mistress everything." After applying her earplugs, her head would be forced back until her face pointed as far upwards as it could and secured in place with a strap secured to her bound hands. Then the lid would be shut on the specially soundproofed box where Alice would stay, bound so that she was unable to move a muscle in her cramped up position. Food, drink and enemas would be pumped into her, while shit and urine pumped out. There was no sound and no other sensory impressions besides pain and discomfort and all she could think about was what a disgusting sissy-slave she was and how much she owed her mistress.

When Mistress Catherine returned and let her out of the box, Alice would be reduced to tears of gratitude at being let out again. Her muscles would be too cramped to even crawl properly, but still she would try to squirm over to kiss Mistress Catherine's boots. She loved Mistress Catherine stronger each time she was let out of the terrible box. The fact that it was Mistress Catherine who had put her in the box in the first place always faded as gratitude towards her Mistress filled her when she was let out.

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