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The Giver and the Gifts

His convertible was a sports model, and Brad was about the size of a professional wrestler, so I had to agree with him--the car was, for him, at least, rather confined. "Why don't we step outside," I suggested.

"I have a blanket in the trunk," he said. "I'll get it."

While he was retrieving the bedspread, I doffed my clothes. My breasts, as firm and full and upright as all the other men I'd previously been with had assured me, looked as womanly and beautiful as ever, as did my round, dimpled bottom, and my legs were shapely. I knew my face was as lovely as any celebrity's countenance as well, so the only complaint, if any, that Brad would be able to find would be the cute cock and balls that adorned the space between my thighs, and, he had already assured me, he loved me, in large measure, because, not in spite of, them. The moonlight gleamed upon me, making my smooth skin seem to glow, my cheeks to blush, and the rosy pink of my areolas, nipples, glans, and scrotum to bloom.

Soon after Brad had spread the blanket beside the car, hidden by the semi-darkness of the moonlit night and the recessed niche within the mountainside, we had him out of his clothes, too. We knelt, face to face, upon the cover, and I marveled at the splendor of his naked masculinity. He had broad shoulders, a deep chest, six-pack abs, powerful thighs, a sculpted back, and arms and calves that were thick with muscle and strength. His hands were large, although not the size of the hams I'd imagined in my self-doubting dreams of violent rejection and disdainful dismissal, but his touch was soft and gentle.

Cupping my breasts in his hands, he availed himself of these gifts, and my heart swelled with happiness, knowing that the buoyant weight of my boobs, the silken softness of their sleek flesh, and the spherical shapes of these twin orbs delighted the man with whom I'd fallen in love. My areolas swelled, my nipples stiffened, and I breathed fast, my diminutive cock proving it was still operational as, twitching and jerking, its trembling shaft swelled, stiffened, and stood upright, above the contracted pouch of my risen scrotum, the boy parts of me as excited at Brad's loving touch as were the girl parts of me. As both a male and a female, I wanted him.

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