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The Golf Bet

However on the day she was -3 under par. I was one over and really happy with how i had played. I remarked I thought it was unfair she already hit the ball further than me and had an advantage with the tees being further ahead. she kind of agreed and just said "we didn't play for anything this game but if we play off the same tees and if you want that we need to play for high stakes" I was quite worried about those words and said I couldn't afford to lose money as i didn't have the spare cash. She just laughed and reminded me about her being a student and it's not quite millions of dollars she earns every year. We both agreed that we would play a "high stake game" however no stakes were agreed and we swapped numbers.
For the next few days some messages went back and forth, some light hearted positioning and each trying to put the other off but in a joking way. in these text exchanges the game had been set. One week from today which was another Sat. She asked we play about 10am and that we can leave the rest of the day free as the loser may need to buy the drinks and food. I straight away booked 10:02 messaged the details and planned my practice for the week ahead.
It was a busy week i didn't have work and i was at the club everyday. to my surprise so was Jenny. We would bump into each other either putting, hitting irons or out on the course. each time some light-hearted banter would come and go, the odd comment about appearance and the odd sexual hint from Jenny. Things like if i win you might need to show me what your packing and hints about i've seen you staring at me but do you think i do the same. I put this down to mind tricks and to be honest it was working and she was getting the upper hand. by Friday night i had done all i could and again we were sending back and forth. it was at this point Jenny who was much more forward started asking about a girlfriend or anyone else in my life. I explained i had only been in the state a couple of years and i lived alone, no girlfriend etc.

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