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The Greatest Lie Part 6

"Mom, I’m in therapy now, but I’m not really growing out of it. I’m growing into it."

"I noticed that you sounded more girlish than when we last talked. Are you taking those hormones again?"

"Mom, I’m sorry, I never could really stop. I don’t want to turn into a man. I want to be a woman."

"Do you really? Why?"

"My therapist says she thinks I’m transsexual."

There was silence on the other end. After a moment, I said "Mom, are you still there?"

She cleared her throat huskily. "That’s OK, I’ll always love you, no matter what."

"I’ll always love you too. Do you really mean it. Can you accept me as a girl?"

"You’ll always be my baby. I’ll love you the same no matter what."

I felt a wave of joy and relief wash over me. Dr. Wright had been right. "Have you told your father?"

"No. How could I? He’s either going to kill me or cut me off? Could you…?"

"I can’t tell you for him. He’ll just blame me and attack me as a parent and a wife. I’ve taken enough of that. You have to call him, take responsibility yourself, and make him take his share as well."

She gave me his phone number. Oh well, I thought, that went pretty well. Now, it didn’t really matter what dad said.

A female voice answered the phone at dad’s apartment, "bonjour."

"Bonjour. Puis-je parle avec mon pere?"

"Certainement." She called out to the distance. "Hector, c’est ta jeune fille."

"Impossible, je n’ai pas une jeune fille."Š

"Alex, is that you fucking around again?"

"That’s not a very friendly greeting. Thanks for telling me you dumped mom. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your little French whore?"

"Listen, you little jerk. I am sick of you and your effeminate ways, and your mother’s babying of you. You are turning out to be a child I am really ashamed of. I left your mom to get shut of the both of you, and let me emphasize the you."

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