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"Talking about me?" I asked.
A slight pause, just a tick too long. "Yeah, in fact, we were just asking Antonio how he liked your performance," Mel said and then did a quick smile that looked more like a grimace.
Before I could find out what they were up to Mark walked over. He thanked Antonio for helping out and handed him $50.00. Mel and Shari took the opportunity to head back to the dressing room to change, leaving me alone with the two men. I was sure Mark had noticed there was some chemistry between Antonio and me and Antonio knew about Mark, so there was a bit of verbal gymnastics between the two. It got a little awkward one time, but I quickly changed the subject. None the less, I felt like a princess with two knights jousting for my attention.
After a few minutes of this exercise, Mark says to me, "Luke and Charlene want you to have dinner with us tonight."
That threw me for a loop. "Gee, I don't know, I, ah. .," and looked at Antonio. He shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal.
"Okay, I guess so. When?"
"When can you be ready?"
"An hour?"
"Sure, I'll let them know. Should I come and get you?"
"I'll come and get you when I'm ready."
"Alright, see you then." As he turned to leave he smiled at Antonio as if he had just bested him.
When he was out of earshot, Antonio said, "Even if he did give me $50.00, I don't like that guy."
"He's not that bad, just used to getting his way." Was I defending him now?
"I guess, do you want me to walk you back to the hotel?"
"No, you go on home. Tomorrow's Friday, you'll be there, right?"
"All day long."
"Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow."
He headed for the exit and I headed for the dressing room. He turned and said over his shoulder, "I'm telling you, I don't trust that old dude.”

Part 6. Sunny, Mel, and Shari have a heart to heart and Mark takes Sunny for a night on the town.

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