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When Finally We Meet

My voice gets a bit nervous as I ask whether you like VH1. You say it's all right, but not your favorite.

"You know," I say shyly, "Robin has some tapes she won't let me see because she says I'm too young. But I guess that since I'm here with an adult, we could probably watch one."

You nod your approval, and I get up to fetch a tape and put it into the VCR. I come back to the couch and kind of snuggle up against you as the tape begins to show an older man and a young man making love.

"Do you like that?" you whisper in my ear as your arm again goes around my shoulders.

My blue eyes are wide and innocent as I stare, mesmerized, at the TV screen. The older man is sucking the youngster's dick while ramming two fingers up his rectum. The boy is in ecstasy, moaning and grabbing the man's gray, balding hair with both hands.

"Do people really do that?" I ask with a hoarse whisper.

Your hand applies more pressure to my shoulder, drawing me toward you. Then, you take my face in both your hands, tilt your head and place your lips on mine. I move slightly to withdraw, but you hold me fast. For a moment, my lithe body moves into yours and you can almost feel my lips start to open.

Then, suddenly I tear my mouth from yours and my trim body from your grasp. I quickly rise, gasping.

"Mr. Smith, no!" I say, my little chest heaving. "I'm only in high school. Why ... you're old enough to be my father."

You stand and put one arm around my tiny waist and the other around my back. As you crush me to you, my arms are helplessly on either side of my head.

"Mr. Smith, please ... "

I struggle, leaning away from you, but your strong arms hold me fast. You kiss me and I begin to melt. My arms slowly go around your neck. Our mouths open, my upper lip feels your moustache, and you suck my tongue into your mouth. Your tongue then invades my sweet mouth, and I moan as your hands begin to explore my tight, undulating body.

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