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Womanhood for Jenny

"Oh noo, not today," she groaned. There was no escape. The red 'X' in the corner of today's date and the three following days, signaled her period. Master required her to track it on the calendar, and expected her to follow a woman's regimen. Why hadn't she seen it last night, or even this morning when she dressed? But of course, the answer was that she was only thinking about her new boobies.

"This will just ruin everything tonight," she sobbed, as she trudged into the bathroom.

Day one of her period required a fifty percent vinegar douche, which was nearly impossible to retain, then injecting 2 ounces of mineral oil with red food coloring, so she would have messy tampons and gooey pads.

As jenny prepared and inserted the vinegar douche, she thought about how disappointed Master would be. Tonight with Doctor Deb coming over and everything – well, it was supposed to be so special as they discussed and planned her boob job. Gritting her teeth, she set the timer for the five minutes she had to retain the stinging vinegar, and sat down. The tears in her eyes weren't from the cramps twisting her guts, but frustration.

'Maybe I could just hide the calendar for tonight and start my period tomorrow,' she thought. No, that was out of the question. Only once, early in their relationship, had jenny tried to delay a period. Master's punishment had been thorough and extremely painful. Jenny hadn't delayed or tried to skip a period since. The cheerful ding of the timer signaled her release. As always after vinegar, her hole was puckered tight and the damp wash clothe merely cleaned the little spatter, Using a turkey baster to draw from the gallon jug of colored mineral oil, she decided to flaunt her total submission to Master's orders. If she had to be on the rag, it would be messier than usual, she decided peevishly. Instead of the required two ounces, she drew four, and with a groan, inserted the baster into her puckered anus and squeezed the contents in.

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