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A Future Society

"No," she said aloud, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Madam Sipher lay on her bed, panting heavily from the dildo she had used on herself as she watched her feminized prize being used like the inferior bitch she was though the camera in Anna's room. Often she liked watching the harem, in its constant state of orgy, the young males adjusting to the hormones and the mind control of their new Collars that they'd wear for the rest of their lives. Or sometimes she'd watch the Mistresses bring their girlfriends over after a particularly long day of paperwork. But something about the Guardians and the newly made girls....especially Anna. The little cunt got what was hers. What she'd always get. The strong willed, the smart...well, she was put in her place time and again.

But she had fixed them, hadn't she? And she felt content knowing it was her and her Dead Rose Society that made their new life possible. She and her forebears had rid the world of the male problem once and for all, even if it meant forcing them to fear her and the true women. The world of the Dead Rose Society was better off. She wondered if they thanked her enough.

"Of course not," she said, placing the dildo back inside her for another go round.

Anna's dreams were frightening. She was back in the harem, young boys kissing one another, jerking each other off, semen surging everywhere. It was on the pillows, it was in their rapidly growing hair. The hormones surging through the Collar were wreaking havoc with their systems. Anna struggled to find someone to sleep with, someone to let her share a pillow, but she couldn't. She slept on the floor in the space between as the orgies continued and the hormones were administered and the Collars shocked everyone who didn't behave.

Madam Sifer was there with her remote, pushing button after button, standing over Anna, telling her she was nothing, she was no one, not until the Society said so. Not until Jason was gone forever, his dick used for creating sperm to be frozen in some factory where it would pump out pure girls who didn't need Collars and direction. Submit, submit, the Madam kept saying. Then she would push Anna's face into her glistening wet pussy and demand satisfaction as the Collar shocked her into agony.

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