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Alex to Alice Chapter 1

"If that's the truth, then don't worry about it. I took all my difficult classes during the first semester this year. My last few classes will be a breeze, so if there's anything I can do to help you just let me know. Ok?"

She smiled, "I'll keep that in mind." The rest of the night went smoothly and that night they had the best sex they have had in weeks.

Several days had gone by and Elena returned home humming a very happy tune. Alex looked up from his homework and smiled at her, "You seem to be in a great mood today! What's the occasion?"

She sat down next to him and handed him a CD, "This is what I'm in a great mood about."

He looked it over carefully, but it was just an unlabeled CD in a blank case. "So what is it? An illegal copy of an upcoming album?"

Giggling she replied, "No, but good guess. It's something I've wanted to try. It's a music CD that you're supposed to listen to while you sleep. It's supposed to increase sexual pleasure."

He looked at her skeptically, "It sounds like a load of crap to me. I thought you were rather enjoying sex the past couple weeks."

"I have been, but it's just something to try. Plus it may help you relax more while you sleep so you can do better in school. I know you've only got easy classes, but you still need your rest!"

Taking a deep breath, he considered it for a moment. What could it hurt? "I suppose I can try it for a night or two. But, if it doesn't seem like it's helping or it interferes with my sleep I'm going to stop. Is that ok?"

She leaned in and kissed him, "As long as you're willing to at least give it a try that's fine by me."

That night he put the CD in and put on his headphones. Light soothing music flooded into his ears. It didn't seem like anything special, but if it made her happy he didn't really care. She obviously wanted to spice things up and he enjoyed pleasing her. She had always more than satisfied him and he wanted to return the favor. After a few moments he dozed off.

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