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Alex to Alice Chapter 1

Elena moved back up to him, after swallowing and licking him clean, "Did you like that?"

He panted lightly, "Yes I did. It was different, but it was good."

"I'm glad." She laid her head on his chest and they drifted off together. The next morning he woke up alone laying in the bed still swimming in the events of the night before. He wasn't sure where it came from, but it felt great. Elena walked into the room and scoffed at him, "Still in bed you lazy bum? We have things to do today, but I have a request. I want you to wear these." She threw a pair of black silk panties at him. "Don't question it, just trust me and do it pet and we'll both be happy later."

Not really sure what she had planned he just went along with it. The panties felt so slick against his cock. He couldn't help but be aroused while wearing them. It was such a foreign feeling to him. Even after getting fully dressed his newly bald body and the panties sent chills up and down his spine, it was so strangely erotic.

To his surprise the rest of the day was fairly uneventful. They went grocery shopping and had lunch in the park. Later that night all they did was sit together and watch TV. When it finally came time to sleep, she asked him to keep wearing the panties. She explained that it brought out his ass and made his bulge more appealing. Wanting to please her, he complied. He put on his headphones and drifted off to sleep. This continued on for sometime, gradually building up to him wearing stockings and a b-cup bra under his clothes. Elena had even begun corset training him to give him a shapelier figure. Eventually all of his male underwear was thrown away and replaced with panties. She had assured him that it would stay between them and if he didn't like it, she would never ask him to do it again. But oddly enough he complied. It was so erotic and dangerous. Shortly after that, she began to even doll him up in make up while they were home to make him even more feminine. In short glances he looked just like a woman at this point. She had even had him take better care of his hair and grow it out.

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