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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 3

Women were another matter altogether, especially women like Willow. A high school sophomore when Buffy, also a high school sophomore at the time, had met her, Willow had been a shy, timid girl with low self-esteem and a decided lack of self-respect who, except for Xander and Buffy, was without friends. In fact, like Xander, she'd been a social pariah.

She'd escaped in books, computers, and magic. By devoting long hours to the uses (and abuses) of enchantment, she had become a powerful witch, acquainted with both white and black magic. Outwardly, she'd also become more confident and self-assured, developing greater self-respect and self-esteem. She'd gone from having a childhood crush on Xander to having sex with Oz, and from a relationship with the werewolf band member to a passionate liaison with Tara.

Nevertheless, those who knew Willow well-Tara, Xander, Buffy, and Buffy's Watcher, Rupert Giles-understood that, beneath the superficial appearance of confidence, Willow was still Willow, lacking in self-assurance and a strong sense of identity. Buffy, as someone who was (mostly) the epitome of confidence, courage, and determination, found Willow sexy as hell. There was a charming innocence and straightforwardness about the witch that appealed to men and women alike. Buffy wasn't immune to Willow's seductive girlishness; as a heterosexual, however, she'd repressed the lesbian attraction she sometimes felt for her high school friend. After all, girls were soft and cuddly, but Buffy liked hard, fiercely independent men. She especially liked to humiliate them. There was no need to humiliate someone like Willow, who had almost no ego at all. Still, as someone who had both sets of genitals, male and female, Buffy was intrigued as to how it would feel to play the part of the male with a soft, sleek babe like Willow, and she intended to find out-the Sunnydale Motel was just around the next corner. After Tara's murder, Willow had taken up residence in the run-down, Spartan hostel, occupying the same room in which Faith had resided after the rogue Slayer had come to town, fleeing the ancient vamp known as Kakistos.

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