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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 3

Her friend's father answered. He wore a stained T-shirt, rumpled slacks with a wide-open zipper that revealed the white cotton of his not-so-bulgy briefs, and dirty white socks. His hair was a wild mess, and his face was covered in a two-days'-old growth of whiskers. He held an open beer can in his hand. Regarding Buffy through narrowed, rheumy eyes, he asked, "What do you want?"

"I came to see Xander."

Mr. Harris opened the door, indicating another door, off the kitchen. "He's down there," he declared, "in the basement."

"Do you mind if I-?"

Mr. Harris took a long pull at his beer. He belched loudly, frowning. "Go ahead."

Poor Xander, Buffy thought, as she stepped past her friend's drunken father, hastened to the basement door, opened it, and scrambled down the steep wooden steps into the cool, damp, dimly lit of the underground chamber.

At the bottom of the stairs, a doorway led into the furnished room that served as Xander's studio apartment. Pausing, Buffy lifted her fist to rap at the doorsill with her knuckles. Once, she'd entered Xander's apartment without pausing to knock, and she'd embarrassed both only herself but Xander and Anya as well, who, nude, were in the midst of some heavy-duty lovemaking. She didn't want to surprise Xander that way ever again. As she was about to knock, she heard a stranger's voice. It was a man's voice, moaning. Xander! Buffy thought. He might be in danger!

She rushed through the doorway, hearing another moan, and then a masculine voice: "Fuck me, Xander! Fuck me fast and hard!"

Buffy stopped, her mouth agape, staring in shock at Xander as he drove his erect member into his male partner's impaled ass. Her friend withdrew his cock, letting all but its glans pull out of the other man's derriere. He paused before plunging his prick again into the deep cleavage of his partner's tight, compact buttocks. Repeatedly, Xander lifted his ass, withdrawing his cock again, and rammed it home. "Xander?" she called, too stunned to stop herself from uttering his name-and giving away her presence.

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