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Duchess of Lamore Part 2

Once he had regained his composure he felt several hands caressing his stretched balls and caged penis. Once again lips landed on his nipple. He felt hair tickle his face before another set of lips landed on his. Her tongue slipped into his mouth so naturally. He caressed it with his own enjoying the delicate sensations that washed over his body.

He wasn't sure what to make of it. Clearly they were there to pleasure him, bath him and see that he was fed. But now his caged penis was rendered useless. A certain part of his identity had been removed or at least that was the way it seemed.

They fed him a breakfast of fresh fruit and rice. Little tiny hands continued to caress and explore. They seemed particularly drawn to the jewelry that restrained his desire. The warring emotions continued to dance in his head. It was simply devilish.

They walked him over to a table with a mirror. They sat him down and expertly shaved his face while brushing his hair. Two girls appeared with Punjab pants. He stepped into them understanding the need. He would not easily fit into normal pants under the circumstances. He expected a vest to follow, but that did not happen. They brought a shirt with intricate brocade made of fine silk.

His girls walked him to the door where he was met by the translator. That's what he called her. To his knowledge she was the only one who spoke any English. Yes, the guard was still by his door. His eyes went straight to the man's crotch. Yes, he was wearing one too.

He was not sure of the protocol. Should he bow? Should he offer a hand? He decided a slight bow would be in order and did so. As he straightened up he caught her eyes moving off his crotch.

"You seep good?" she asked. Not waiting for an answer she continued, "Take car home. Heap servants car."

Take car home? He could not possibly take the car home. The trip, and his dreams, would be a total failure.

But wait a minute. She said or at least he thought she said he was to take the car to its home, its new home. Yes of course. He was to instruct the servants in its operation.

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