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My Erotic Crucifixion

I started crying..........

Next thing I knew, I was in jail!!!!!!!!

Not notifying an executioner of the state, I was a Transsexual!

I told the judge I did, but like most, I wasn't believed!!!!!!!!!!!

THE NEXT 10 DAYS!!!!!!!

I was to be crucified! 10 days to ponder my thoughts before I met Calvary?

The next few days were a blur......

I met a very nice fellow, he helpt keep my spirits up through the ordeal....
We talked, he stated he was up for the same punishment as I was, crucifixion!

We commiserated, talked of family, friends, the usual stuff, one night I was cold, shivering in the darkness, He provided me warmth. I liked that!

In the course of conversation, he lifted my chin, and gently kissed me! My emotions went wild! I returned the kiss FULLY!

BAD MOVE on my part!

We were caught kissing each other by the guard!

He stated: "Two Lovers huh? We can handle that!!!!!!!!!"

OMG! this one's a fake female! Look at it! This one was kissing IT!

I stared at my guy, like sorry, as I was dragged off...

The lash kept me warm until morning, then I was to meet my fate, the cross!

I picked up my beam, but what? Another?
My friend? Same beam? We shared the weight, the guards were ok....

We got to the top of the hill, the guards motioned us to drop the beam! We did!
Thankful to be rid of the weight, but, a bit puzzled?

Then I was stripped, so was my friend, we both standing naked in the morning heat!

I admired his manhood, first time I saw it, mine was a joke, SO tiny!

He was LARGE!
I admired his nakedness, he couldn't believe mine! I was sorry I never got the chance to tell him!

Then it was spoken: "Since these two, were caught fornicating in life, so shall they in death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm like HUH? Next I'm thrown down, dragged on top of the cross, I await the terrible, but NO! MY friend is drug on top of me? I can't breathe his weight upon me? My arms and his are stretched, He's facing me, mouth to mouth......The executioner has BOTH our wrists, THEN Pounds down! Sinking the iron into both our flesh! We both scream! Our blood mingles with the wood!

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