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My Erotic Crucifixion

I asked: You got enough left?
Like a man, says "yes" when he means "no"

I did this for the spectators,
I went up and down our nails, hurting me terribly!
He got hard, with MUCH manipulation, got him to cum inside me, I sighed, the last good sex either of us would know! He fell out of me as he went limp. It had exhausted him! He just hung upon my body, passed out!

The executioners jeered at us: "Look at that! It's gushing out sperm!" I hadn't realized, I lost most all control, so my body dripped out his sperm, down my legs.

We were left to hang together in our mixed blood and sweat! I don't believe either of us slept, what, with the terrible pain, and passed out for awhile.

We'd each would come to, at different times..wander in and out of consciousness. Each weaker than the last time. I vaguely remember him whispering in my ear, I LOVE you! See you in the next world! He gasped, gave a long groan, as air escaping a leaked tire, and was gone!

I cried for us both!

I begged the executioners to finish me! (I was attached to a corpse now)

They had a discussion, one came up to me with a spear, he asked: "Are you sure?" I gasped, "YES!"

The spear was pushed into me! I hardly noticed!

Yes, I met my crux lover on the "other" side, we BOTH are pain free now, and still in love!


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