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Ticket To Paradise

“Your driver’s license lists your sex as male, Patrolman Rogers explained smugly, but you sure don’t look like a man. I had to check things out. He released her. You’re a man, all right-a drag queen.”

“I am not a drag queen, Toni corrected him.

“Oh? What the hell are you, then?”

“I’m a transsexual.”

Patrolman Rogers laughed. That’s the same thing, isn’t it?”

“No, it most certainly is not!”

He chuckled at her outrage. What’s the difference, then?”

“A drag queen is a gay man who dresses in women’s clothing, she replied. A transsexual is a person, male or female, who is trapped in the body of the opposite sex. Physically, I’m a man-except for my breasts-or in spite of my breasts-but, psychologically, I’m a woman.”

Patrolman Rogers laughed again, more loudly. Maybe you’re just fucking nuts, he challenged her.

“Am I under arrest?”

The patrolman gave her a measured, appraising look. Maybe this bitch had more spunk than he’d given her credit for, he thought. No, you’re not under arrest.”

“Then I’m free to leave?”


Toni took her hands off the trunk of her car. She stormed past Patrolman Rogers, and returned to the driver’s side of her Mustang. She opened the door, climbed behind the steering wheel, and slammed the door shut. Before she could start her engine, however, Patrolman Rogers was beside her, a ticket in his hand.

“Don’t forget this, he said, passing the ticket to her.

“You’re giving me a ticket? she protested.

He grinned. Don’t worry. It’s just a warning ticket.”

She snatched the ticket from his hand. Anything else? she demanded.

“Just this.”

He handed her a slip of paper.

“What’s this?”

“My telephone number.”

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